
Welcome to the first installment of Family Fun Knight!!!
"Honey! Who's night is it to cook dinner?" 
   "I did it the last three nights. It's your turn."
 "Are you sure?"
 "Alright. Who is going to be home to eat? The boys have practice tonight."
  "I'm going to the gym at 7:30, so we better eat early."
 "OK, sounds like take out tonight."

Sound familiar? AS our children grow and become more involved with sports, friends and the riggers of homework, it is harder and harder to find time to come together as a family. A couple of years ago I had the idea that our family needed to have a night dedicated to just being together and having fun. No pressures about who is going to cook, what is on t.v., or any of the other million excuses that were getting in our way of sharing quality time together.

This blog is for you and me and all the other families out there that may need a reminder from time to time, that family time is important. That just being together figuring out a puzzle or building a new Lego set while talking about the day's events means something.

Let's use this page together. Send in ideas for Family Fun Knight Events and stories from your own family gatherings. I will post what our family is doing.