Saturday, December 11, 2010

Busy, Busy , Busy

Hey all!!

It's been a busy last couple of weeks. We wogged, eat, played and competed. Thanksgiving day my wife convinced me it would be good to get up early in the morning and go join the rest of the crazy people down at the Stockton water front for a little 5k marathon for hunger. I now know that a cup of 7-11 coffee does not, I repeat does NOT warm up your legs for a below 45 degree morning jog. My shins were cold until the last 100 meters. In the end it was worth it though. The kids had a great time. Garrett finished in about 30 minutes, Keith in about 32 and Marie and I finished in a respectable 43 minutes. Not bad for our first time.

We finished off the day at my sister in laws for some delicious turkey and all the trimmings. Oh yea the "boys" also went to the park and played some traditional Thanksgiving day touch football. I was wiped out for the rest of the night. Wog in the morning and football in the afternoon equals sore feet, muscles and well whole body.

The next night we traveled to Jamestowne for a ride on Santa's Starlight Express. The kids drank hot chocolate, the adults sipped on cider and we all sang along to some good o'l Christmas songs. Santa made a visit and couldn't resist hopping on my wife's lap. What is it with old guys hitting on my wife? After the train ride we all ate at the local Mexican restaurant. I must say they had excellent food and the service was top notch.

Last week was jammed packed with and awards presentation for Keith followed up the next night with Keith's first cello concert. Both nights left Marie and I feeling rather proud to be his parents. Saturday afternoon we had an American Ninja Warrior party. Family came over and we watched season 2 sneak peak while munching on some yummy party food. After the show we went out and everyone took their turn completing in our home made Ninja Warrior obstacle course (kudos to my Bro for making my idea of a pipe slide obstacle come to life). We had an awesome time. Sunday was the last day of a long, but wonderful football season for Garrett. He had his awards party at the down town teen center. Now its time to start thinking about baseball........